The name of this organization shall be the Warren Township Central School Parent-Teacher Organization commonly referred to as the Central School PTO.
The goals of the organization shall be:
- To enhance the educational and cultural opportunities of Warren students.
- To promote the emotional and physical well-being of the children in the school, the community, and the home.
- To build a closer relationship between the home and school.
- To encourage a cooperative effort and facilitate communication between the community and the school system.
- The organization shall cooperate with the School Administration to support a positive learning environment and the overall education of the children.
- The organization shall not directly or indirectly endorse any candidate but may endorse a school budget.
- The organization shall sponsor programs which shall be of an educational, cultural, social and/or informative nature.
- The organization shall sponsor fundraising projects, the profits to be used to further the objectives stated in Article II.
- The organization prohibits door-to-door selling of any kind. All incentives, such as free gifts shall be eliminated from fundraisers.
- The organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan. Recognition that the organization is a 501 (c) (3) Tax-Exempt Organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service and has a Charitable Registration License with the State of NJ and shall conduct all activities of the organization in accordance with the rules of these bodies so as to maintain its non-profit, charitable status.
- The organization shall cooperate with other organizations or agencies active in child welfare.
- The organization permits solicitation at local businesses with adult supervision with Executive Board approval.
- Any parent or guardian with a child under the auspices of Central School or any school staff member interested in the goals of the Central School Parent-Teacher Organization and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws, may become a member upon payment of dues.
- The organization shall conduct an annual membership drive in September, but persons may be admitted to membership at any time.
- The amount of dues for the fiscal year shall be established by a majority vote of the PTO Executive Board.
- The fiscal year shall be from July 1-June 30 of the calendar year.
- An Audit Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members from the general membership shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall audit the organization’s accounts and transactions at least 90 days prior to the last meeting of the year. The committee shall report its findings to the membership and the audit committee report shall be adopted by the membership.
- The officers of this organization shall be President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The officers shall serve for a term of one year, but shall not be excluded from succeeding themselves for one additional term. Only in the event that no one else wishes to serve, can the term be extended.
- Newly elected officers shall assume office on July 1.
- A vacancy occurring in the office of the President shall be filled by the 1st Vice President. All other vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board after advertising said vacancy to the general membership.
- Any officer may be removed if it is proven that said officer committed an illegal act during the course of his or her duties as that officer.
- Shall preside at all meetings of this organization and its Executive Board but shall vote at general membership meetings only in the event of a tie.
- Shall coordinate the activities of officers and oversee committees directly or may delegate to the Vice President in order that the objectives may be promoted and may attend any meetings as an ex-officio member.
- Shall act as the primary liaison to the Principal.
- Shall have authorization to approve expenditures, not to exceed the amount of $200.00.
- Shall be a second signatory on any and all bank accounts. Shall cosign all contracts with the appropriate committee person.
- The President and President-elect shall work together in approving chairpersons and making plans for the next calendar year.
Shall assist the President with committee work; committees may report directly to a Vice-President if the President and Vice President mutually agree to this arrangement.
- Shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.
- Shall be membership chairperson.
- Shall maintain a membership list.
- Shall arrange for a year-end breakfast/ luncheon in June which will also serve as the last meeting of the year.
- Shall be a third signatory on any and all bank accounts.
Shall be fundraising chairperson whose duties shall include reviewing and recommending fundraising opportunities.
- Shall keep the minutes of all meetings of this organization and its Executive Board.
- Shall conduct the correspondence of this organization.
- Shall inform the general membership of meeting dates.
- Shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the organization’s Incorporation Documents, By-Laws, non-profit determination letter and charitable gaming license. Shall keep all licenses current by filing all necessary forms and fees as required.
- Shall keep records of general membership, Executive Board, or special meeting minutes for a period of five (5) years.
- Shall have a copy of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, REVISED.
- Shall have charge of the funds of the organization and keep all books and accounts of the organization.
- Shall have custody of the organization’s financial records, including bank statements, cancelled checks, disbursement forms, invoices, receipts, and budgets for a period of five (5) fiscal years.
- Shall be one of three (3) authorized signatories on bank accounts with the President and 1st Vice President as other authorized signatories. All checks or withdrawals exceeding $1,000.00 on any of the organization’s accounts must have no less than two (2) authorized signatures on said check or transaction.
- Shall prepare a yearly budget with the President and/or Executive Board prior to the first meeting of the new calendar year and shall submit the budget for approval by a majority vote of those present at the first membership meeting.
- Shall secure by a majority vote of the general membership, approval of all major expenditures or amendments to the budget and shall make disbursements as authorized by the membership in accordance with the adopted budget.
- Shall prepare and present a financial report at each meeting of the membership and shall be responsible for filing of the organization’s federal and state tax forms in cooperation with organization’s accounting firm.
- Shall submit upon request, books and records to the audit committee.
- Only the officers of the organization (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are elected. All other chairpersons shall be appointed by the Nominating Committee and approved by the President in conjunction with the President-elect. The chairperson shall serve for a term of one year but may be appointed to serve for one additional term. Only in the event that no one else wishes to serve as chairperson can his or her term be extended.
- The President shall appoint the chairperson of the Nominating Committee. The President and chairperson shall select four more committee persons consisting of four members at large. Preferably, a cross-section of grade levels should be represented.
- The Nominating Committee shall send SOS (Support Our School) forms to all student families, seeking volunteers to serve as chairpersons and servers for all committees. The Nominating Committee shall secure, where possible, the positions of the Executive Board before the selection of chairpersons is finalized.
- Positions for officers are open to more than one candidate. Anyone interested in serving in the capacity of a PTO officer shall notify the Nominating Committee who will then place that person’s name on the ballot.
- The positions for the five officers shall be voted on individually by the general membership by closed, written ballot. The ballots will be collected and tallied by the Nominating Committee and presented at a General Meeting of the organization to be held no later than May 31.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization.
- The Executive Board shall have the power to transact business between meetings of this organization and shall direct and coordinate its activities.
- The President may call a meeting of the Executive Board at any time he or she deems necessary.
- The general membership shall meet at least eight times from September to June.
- Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the Executive Board, five days after notice having been given.
- The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members whose current dues are paid.
- A motion shall be considered passed upon a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting of the organization.
- In addition to the standing committees, the Executive Board may establish any other committees it deems necessary in order to further the goals of the organization. The President shall appoint the chairperson of these committees.
- The chairperson of each committee shall present its plans and intentions to the Executive Board and no work shall be undertaken without approval.
- Chairpersons cannot go over their established budget without approval from a vote of the general membership at a meeting of the organization.
- All chairpersons shall submit to the President a summary report and the file or notebook of their committee at the end of their terms.
The supreme authority on questions of parliamentary procedure shall be ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, REVISED.
- These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at least two weeks previously.
- A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of by-laws as a substitute for these by-laws by a majority vote at a meeting of the organization. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of by-laws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.
- Upon dissolution of this organization, all funds left in the treasury shall be distributed either to the Central School or for use by it for the benefit of the students or to the benefit of any other Warren Township students.
- The general membership shall grant approval of disbursement of said funds.
The Officers, Executive Board and employees of the Central School PTO shall be, and the same hereby are, indemnified against expenses and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with any proceeding involving such Officers, Executive Board members, or employees of the organization to the full extent permitted by Section ISA; 3-4 of the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act (N.J. S.A. 15A; 1-1 et seq.) as it may be amended from time to time or any successor legislation.